Dear Applicants!
We are looking for HSE Coordinator
HSE Coordinator must:
Register and analyze the status and causes of industrial accidents, industrial diseases and diseases caused by industrial factors.
Assist to departments in organizing and conducting measurements of parameters of dangerous and harmful industrial factors, in the evaluation of injury free operation of the equipment, appliances.
Organize, make methodical guidance for certification of workplaces on working conditions, certification of HSSE operations and monitoring their implementation.
Carry out together with representatives of relevant departments or other authorized employees of the representative bodies inspections, technical inspections of buildings, structures, equipment, machinery, tools, means of individual and collective protection of workers, the state of sanitary – technical devices, work of ventilation systems for the compliance with HSSE requirements.
Participate in the work of the commissions for the acceptance of the completed construction or reconstructed production facilities, as well as in the work of the commissions on acceptance of repaired installations, components, machine tools and other equipment for the compliance with HSSE requirements.
Coordinate the development of the organization design, engineering, technological and other documentation in terms of HSSE requirements.
Develop together with other departments the plans, programs to improve the safety, prevention of industrial accidents, industrial diseases and diseases caused by industrial factors, the provision of organizational – methodical assistance for the implementation of planned activities.
Assist to the heads of departments in drawing up lists of professions and jobs, according to which workers must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations.
Participate in the preparation of documents to appoint the insurance payments in case of industrial accidents.
Carry out the HSSE induction with all persons hired to the job (including temporary).
Consult the company management on HSSE issues.
Draw up (with the participation of heads of departments) the lists of professions and types of work for which should be developed HSSE instructions, develop and revise the HSSE instructions, company standards, HSSE Standard systems (HSSESS).
Inform employees on RoK laws and laws of appropriate subject of RoK, and other normative legal acts on HSSE issues, collective agreement for the protection of labor.
Location: Karabatan
Rotation: 28/28
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