According with superior instructions, carry out daily maintenance and check of electrical equipment ensuring full respect of operative safety rules
CRANE OPERATOR / Semi Sub / 12.09
JLT/VLS Control Room Operator / 5.09
Offshore Pedestal Crane Operator / Drillship / 3.09
Offshore Tuggerhoist Operator / 20.08
3rd ENG DP / Drillship / 2.10_6.08
Assistant Driller / Drillship / 29.07
Tour Pusher L2 / Drillship / 18.04
3rd Officer (2) / Jack up / 23.01
Production Control Room Operator / FPSO / 19.03
Open positions / Geotechnical Survey Vessel _Baltic
Chief Engineer / Jack Up Rig / 17.01
Subsea Engineer (4) / Drillship / 13.10
Derrickman / 2 / Drillship / 13.10
Hydraulic Engineer / Drillship / 28.09