We are currently collecting CVs through a Google Form for the following 16 open positions:
1. Sales Manager
2. Operation Engineer
3. Equipment Operator
4. Mechanical Engineer
5. Electrical Engineer
6. Construction Supervisor
7. Corrosion Assistant
8. CPF Supervisor
9. Senior Financial Manager
10. Financial Assistant
11. Development Geological Technology Expert
12. Seismic Interpretation Engineer
13. Market Business Manager
14. QHSE System Manager
15. Reservoir Engineer
16. Pipeline Engineer
Civil & Construction Jobs / Control Room Operator Jobs / DCS / Panel Operator Jobs / Document Controller Jobs / Oil & Gas Commissioning Engineer Jobs / Oil & Gas Jobs / Oil and Gas Drilling Jobs / Oil and Gas Electrical Jobs / Oil and Gas HSE Jobs / Oil and Gas Instrument Jobs / Oil and Gas Jobs in Iraq / Oil and Gas Jobs in UAE / Oil and Gas Mechanical Jobs / Oil and Gas QAQC Jobs / Onshore/Offshore Windfarm Jobs / Piping / Pipeline Engineer Jobs / Process, Production & Commissioning Jobs / Rotating & Static Engineer Jobs / Structural Engineer Jobs / Welding Engineer Jobs