March 28, 2025

Refinery Operations Specialist, Shift Supervisor & Head Operator Jobs

CSS is currently looking for potential candidates for a major refinery expansion project within Bahrain:

– Operations Specialist (Crude Distillation, Flare Systems)
– Operations Specialist (Kerosene RERUN Units)
– Operations Specialist (Natural Gas/Luquified Natural Gas)
– Shift Supervisor (Kerosene Treater – Kero Medex)
– Shift Supervisor (Hydrogen & Nitrogen Production)
– Shift Supervisor (Sulfur Pelletizer, Sulfur Granulation, Sulfur Tanks)
– Head Operator (Kerosene Treater – Keno Merox)
– Head Operator (Kerosene Rerun Units)
– Head Operator (Sulfur Pelletizer, Sulfur Granulation, Sulfur Ranks)
– Head Operator (Crude Destillation , Flare Systems)
– Area/Field Operator (Caustic Handling, Ammonia Handling, Flare Sys.)

• Operations Specialist (Crude Distillation, Flare Systems)
With specific experience/background in Crude distillation, Flare systems, pre-commissioning/commissioning, DCS and instrumentation background for hot cutover.

• Operations Specialist (Kerosene Rerun Units)
With specific experience/background in Kerosene Rerun Units, following up revamp activities, pre-commissioning/commissioning, supervising hot work activities and updating/modifying existing operating procedures.

• Operations Specialist (Natural Gas/Liquified Natural Gas)
With specific experience/background in Natural Gas/Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), pre-commissioning/commissioning, startup, supervising hot work activities and updating operating procedures.

• Shift Supervisor (Kerosene Treater – Kero Merox)
With specific experience/background in Kerosene Treater (Kero Merox), construction, pre-commissioning/commissioning activities.

• Shift Supervisor (Hydrogen & Nitrogen Production)
With specific experience/background in Hydrogen production, Nitrogen production, Flare system, pre-commissioning/commissioning, DCS and instrumentation background for hot cutover.

• Shift Supervisor (Sulfur Pelletizer, Sulfur Granulation, Sulfur Tanks)
With specific experience/background in Sulfur handling (pelletizer), sulfur granulation process, sulfur tanks, and pre-commissioning/commissioning. Preferably a maintenance-oriented candidate.

• Head Operator (Kerosene Treater – Kero Merox)
With specific experience/background in Kerosene Treater (Kero Merox), construction, pre-commissioning/commissioning activities.

• Head Operator (Kerosene Rerun Units)
With specific experience/background in Kerosene Rerun Units, following up revamp activities, pre-commissioning/commissioning, supervising hot work activities and updating/modifying existing operating procedures.

• Head Operator (Sulfur Pelletizer, Sulfur Granulation, Sulfur Tanks)
With specific experience/background in Sulfur handling (pelletizer), sulfur granulation process, sulfur tanks, and pre-commissioning/commissioning. preferably a maintenance-oriented candidate.

• Head Operator (Sulfur Pelletizer, Sulfur Granulation, Sulfur Tanks)
With specific experience/background in Sulfur handling (pelletizer), sulfur granulation process, sulfur tanks, and pre-commissioning/commissioning. preferably a maintenance-oriented candidate.

• Head Operator (Crude Distillation, Flare System)
With specific experience/background in Crude distillation, Flare systems, pre-commissioning/commissioning, DCS and instrumentation background for hot cutover.

• Area/Field Operator (Caustic Handling, Ammonia Handling, Flare Sys.)
With specific experience/background in caustic handling, ammonia handling and knowledge in fare systems.

To apply, please send your CV with the Job Position Title as the Email Subject to

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